Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The first post!

Well, I have taken the plunge, so to speak. After much deliberation (and hesitation), I decided that I will blog. We'll see how long this lasts. I have deeply enjoyed reading friends' blogs and figured this might be a way to record the going-ons of our family. Besides, I am on spring break so I have loads of time on my hands, right? That may all change next week.

This first post will be short. I will give you some insight into the hearts of my children:
  • "Mommie, we have to make a welcome to our family picture for Henry. I will draw him a picture of me, Tegan, Will, and Henry playing together. Then I will pick him out some books. I sang to him, Mommie. I love him!" -Davian, age 4 (Henry is the 1 week old son of a dear, dear friend and Davian's best friend's new brother)
  • "Tank kou, Mommie." -Tegan, age almost 2

God has blessed me with two tender hearted little boys. I am not always so tender-hearted with them, but they continually forgive me for my short comings. I am learning about God's unending forgiveness as I navigate through parenting these two precious gifts. My deepest prayer is that they can see a sliver of God's love for them through me.


  1. Yeah for blogs! I haven't been the greatest at keeping mine up to date, but then again, I don't have two precious boys to blog about like you do - I love the new picture! Can't believe how big they are getting!!!!

  2. Great job! Way to get started, I think that is the hardest part. Not that I have started one yet. Love the picture and your sweet boys' comments!
