Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Home Makeover: Days 14 and 15

Exciting things are happening around our place!  This is the last week (hopefully) of renovations and we move in on Friday!!!

The granite arrived for measurements yesterday.  I love the reflection of the house in this shot.

The handrail of the staircase got its first coat of stain!  It will match the floor color.

Today, they started to lay the hardwood floors.  They look great so far!  Davian even thinks so!

Just as a reminder, this is what the living room looked like before the renovations.
Wow!  Its crazy to look back.  Just 20 days ago I took this picture!

The exterior painting is almost done.  This is from the backyard.

The light is not great in this picture but, I love to see it half done.  Its like seeing the progress in motion.

We can't wait to move into our new neighborhood and enjoy the sunsets from the wine deck!

To be continued!  but not for much longer :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Home Makeover: Days 11, 12, and 13

It has been another busy weekend in our household.  We have been working hard to get all the painting downstairs finished before they start laying the floors next week.  We had been undecided about a color of the living room until Friday.  We decided on this color.

 The pile of debris and rubbish had grown and grown. 
This pile was after giving away the blinds from all the downstairs windows and the carpet.  The carpet story is quite interesting.  One of our new neighbors mentioned that he had seen an ad on Craig's List of someone who was looking for carpet for his garage.  So, Austin checked it out and a guy came over on Friday and took all of our carpet.  However, this guy was going to use it for weed block in his backyard.  We thought that was a little strange, but whatever!  At least it didn't go to a landfill!

The demo guy cleared out the pile with the assistance of two little helpers.

The bathtub was finished on Friday!  Whoohoo!  Can't wait to use it!
Before the renovations

Here is a daylight picture of the new door.
 And the outside of house has gotten the beginnings of a facelift.
This is the back of the house in the new base color and trim color.

Side of the house almost completed. Clearly, we have some landscaping to do. 

Front corner of the house.

To be continued....

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Home Makeover: Days 9 and 10

Things are still moving along at the house, but much more slowly this week.  Our new door arrived yesterday.  I will try to get a better picture in the daylight.

The tiling in the boys' bathroom is finished and waiting for grout! 

This is the master bathroom with the tile laid.  Also waiting on grout.

 Here is the bathtub with the start of the surrounding tile.  And yes...there is a toilet in the bathtub! 
 This is the side of the tub with the decorative tile in the middle.

The first picture is the staircase before we started the renovations.  Below is the staircase yesterday.  The handrail hasn't been stained yet. It will match the floor color. And the basket balusters will be in on Monday.  

We are very excited about the changes and can't wait to see the final product!

To be continued...

Monday, September 19, 2011

Home Makeover Days 7 and 8

It has been a super busy weekend in these parts.  Poor Travis...we worked that poor guy.  He and Austin moved all of our heavy furniture and boxes yesterday.  It took 4 trips and 12 hours to move all of our stuff!  We are so thankful that he was here to help!  There is NO way I would have been able to help Austin with all that!

Today was a painting day for us.  We finished the large rooms, stairway, hallway and most of the kitchen!  Here's proof that I am helping, too!

We really needed to get these areas finished this week since the floors will be going in next week. 

They also tiled the laundry room and half bath today!  The grouting will go in on Wednesday! 

This is the half bath at the beginning of the day.

And in the afternoon.

The laundry room.

Unfortunately, we have to take Travis back to the airport tomorrow.  We will miss him!

To be continued...

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Soccer Saturday

We love soccer season around here!  Saturday we spent the morning cheering for our little soccer players! 

Davian was first at 8 o'clock!  Travis helped the kids get warmed up for the game.  It actually started with Trav and Tegan kicking the ball around.  Soon the rest of the Fireballs were playing with him!

Davian played really well!  The other team had a kid who was about a head taller than Davian and was an excellent player.  But, Davian took him on without hesitation!  A regular Davian and Goliath match up!  Davian has become very aggressive and smart in his offensive playing.  He is able to dribble through the defenders and have plenty of scoring opportunities.
The goalie in the background is the Goliath!

All the kids played really hard!  They ended up in a tie 1-1, but we don't really keep score, right?!?

After a few hours, we were off to Tegan's game.  At his age, they still play "bunch ball", but Tegan really tries.  He runs his little tail off following the crowd.  He got a couple of good kicks in!

The kids played really hard, too! 

We are so proud of our #4 and #3! 

Home Makeover: Days 5 and 6

This weekend we enlisted some help!  Uncle Travis, Austin's brother, flew in to lend a helping hand.  We are so thankful he is here to help with the painting and moving of large furniture.  Austin is thankful that he doesn't mind heights or crazy planking!

He was even smiling! 

Saturday, after two soccer games, we spent the afternoon painting.  The formal living room/dining room and stairway is about finished, FINALLY!!!! 

I started painting the kitchen and got some help from my favorite little guys.

And the flooring arrived yesterday.  It has to sit in the house for five days before they can start installing it!

Next week should be busy with installation of tile flooring, counter tops, and exterior painting going on.  We can't wait!

To be continued...