Sunday, September 25, 2011

Home Makeover: Days 11, 12, and 13

It has been another busy weekend in our household.  We have been working hard to get all the painting downstairs finished before they start laying the floors next week.  We had been undecided about a color of the living room until Friday.  We decided on this color.

 The pile of debris and rubbish had grown and grown. 
This pile was after giving away the blinds from all the downstairs windows and the carpet.  The carpet story is quite interesting.  One of our new neighbors mentioned that he had seen an ad on Craig's List of someone who was looking for carpet for his garage.  So, Austin checked it out and a guy came over on Friday and took all of our carpet.  However, this guy was going to use it for weed block in his backyard.  We thought that was a little strange, but whatever!  At least it didn't go to a landfill!

The demo guy cleared out the pile with the assistance of two little helpers.

The bathtub was finished on Friday!  Whoohoo!  Can't wait to use it!
Before the renovations

Here is a daylight picture of the new door.
 And the outside of house has gotten the beginnings of a facelift.
This is the back of the house in the new base color and trim color.

Side of the house almost completed. Clearly, we have some landscaping to do. 

Front corner of the house.

To be continued....

1 comment:

  1. it looks fantastic! i can't wait to see the whole thing completed! (and i'm sure you can't wait either!!)
